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Education in Gemology:

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    A first unexpected contact with the mining sector in Central African Republic, introduced me to the gemstones world. A short experience in my familly mining company gave me the idea to stop my Informatic studies in France and to go study diamonds and gemstones in Belgium.

      So I started my formation in 1999 at the High Diamond Council institute (HRD) in Antwerp. I been studying color stones, rough and cut diamonds and all the basic recognition technics for natural or synthetic stones and treatments. So I graduated with the "Certified Diamond Grader" and the "Graduate Gemologist" dipomas.

During the year 2002, since I could not go back to Africa, I decided to learn more. My basic diplomas in gemology and my scientific basis allowed me to access the Nantes University (UFR des Sciences et Techniques de l'Université de Nantes) to study the Laboratory technics applied to gemstone expertising.
I could graduated with the
"Diplôme d'Université de Gemmologie" (D.U.G).

     The specificity of this University is to give acces to some very rare and expensive equipment that will soon be used in every laboratory. Those instruments are available at the Institute of Materials of Nantes inside the university campus: Institut des Matériaux de Nantes (IMN), where the Professor Emmanuel Fritsch (former Director of Research at GIA USA) is in charge of the Physic of cristals Laboratory.

    The purpose of this course is to give the required knowlegde to experienced gemologists with a scientific background. They will be able to give the right interpretation to analysis results obtained in a sophisticated laboratory, or to proceed to the analysis themself if they can access that kind of equipment (Spectrometry UV-VIS-IR, Raman, micropobe, chemical analysis, r-rays diffraction, etc).




PROGRAMME de la formation au DUG :
(On the official website)

I. Actualisation et perfectionnement des connaissances gemmologiques

II. Techniques de documentation :
- Création d'un fichier personnel.
- Accès informatisé aux banques de données.
- Visites de laboratoires spécialisés.

III. Techniques analytiques "sophistiquées" de laboratoire :
- Spectrométrie UV-Visible - Proche InfraRouge.
- Spectrométrie Moyen InfraRouge à Transformée de Fourier.
- Spectrométrie Raman.
- Spectrométrie de fluorescence X.
- Cathodoluminescence (M.E.B. et luminoscope).
- Microscope Électronique à Balayage et Transmission, microanalyse
et microdiffraction.
- Microsonde électronique.
- Microanalyse et microthermométrie des inclusions fluides.
- Mesures de radioactivité.
- Spectrométrie de résonance :
    Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (R.P.E.)
    Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire (R.M.N.)

IV. Sujets généraux
-Cristallographie, morphologie des cristaux, radiocristallographie et
diffraction des rayons X.
-Géologie et genèse des gemmes.
-Croissance cristalline et synthèse des gemmes.
-Histoire des gemmes.
-Origine de la couleur et de la luminescence.
-Traitements physiques et chimiques des gemmes (chauffage,
irradiation, diffusion, imprégnation et remplissage de fractures, couches
minces, implantation, etc...)





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